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# Making a Adaptive release
This document guides a contributor through creating a release of Adaptive.
## Preflight checks
The following checks should be made *before* tagging the release.
#### Check that all issues are resolved
Check that all the issues and merge requests for the appropriate
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have been resolved. Any unresolved issues should have their milestone
#### Ensure that all tests pass
For major and minor releases we will be tagging the ``master`` branch.
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This should be as simple as verifying that the
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[latest CI pipeline](https://dev.azure.com/python-adaptive/adaptive/_build)
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#### Verify that `AUTHORS.md` is up-to-date
The following command shows the number of commits per author since the last
annotated tag:
t=$(git describe --abbrev=0); echo Commits since $t; git shortlog -s $t..
## Make a release, but do not publish it yet
### Tag the release
Make an **annotated, signed** tag for the release. The tag must have the name:
git tag -s v<version> -m "version <version>"
### Build a source tarball and wheels and test it
rm -fr build dist
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
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This creates the file `dist/adaptive-<version>.tar.gz`. It is a good idea to unpack it
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and check that the tests run:
tar xzf dist/adaptive*.tar.gz
cd adaptive-*
py.test .
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### Create an empty commit for new development and tag it
git commit --allow-empty -m 'start development towards v<version+1>'
git tag -am 'Start development towards v<version+1>' v<version+1>-dev
Where `<version+1>` is `<version>` with the minor version incremented
(or major version incremented and minor and patch versions then reset to 0).
This is necessary so that the reported version for any further commits is
`<version+1>-devX` and not `<version>-devX`.
## Publish the release
### Push the tags
git push origin v<version> v<version+1>-dev
### Upload to PyPI
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twine upload dist/*
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## Update the [conda-forge recipe](https://github.com/conda-forge/adaptive-feedstock)
* Fork the [feedstock repo](https://github.com/conda-forge/adaptive-feedstock)
* Change the version number and sha256 in `recipe/meta.yaml` and commit to your fork
* Open a [Pull Request](https://github.com/conda-forge/adaptive-feedstock/compare)
* Type `@conda-forge-admin, please rerender` as a comment
* When the tests succeed, merge