# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import OrderedDict, Iterable
import functools
import heapq
import itertools
import random

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import scipy.spatial
from sortedcontainers import SortedKeyList

from adaptive.learner.base_learner import BaseLearner
from adaptive.notebook_integration import ensure_holoviews, ensure_plotly
from adaptive.learner.triangulation import (
    Triangulation, point_in_simplex, circumsphere,
    simplex_volume_in_embedding, fast_det)
from adaptive.utils import restore, cache_latest

def volume(simplex, ys=None):
    # Notice the parameter ys is there so you can use this volume method as
    # as loss function
    matrix = np.subtract(simplex[:-1], simplex[-1], dtype=float)

    # See https://www.jstor.org/stable/2315353
    dim = len(simplex) - 1
    vol = np.abs(fast_det(matrix)) / np.math.factorial(dim)
    return vol

def orientation(simplex):
    matrix = np.subtract(simplex[:-1], simplex[-1])
    # See https://www.jstor.org/stable/2315353
    sign, _logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(matrix)
    return sign

def uniform_loss(simplex, ys=None):
    return volume(simplex)

def std_loss(simplex, ys):
    r = np.linalg.norm(np.std(ys, axis=0))
    vol = volume(simplex)

    dim = len(simplex) - 1

    return r.flat * np.power(vol, 1. / dim) + vol

def default_loss(simplex, ys):
    # return std_loss(simplex, ys)
    if isinstance(ys[0], Iterable):
        pts = [(*x, *y) for x, y in zip(simplex, ys)]
        pts = [(*x, y) for x, y in zip(simplex, ys)]
    return simplex_volume_in_embedding(pts)

def choose_point_in_simplex(simplex, transform=None):
    """Choose a new point in inside a simplex.

    Pick the center of the simplex if the shape is nice (that is, the
    circumcenter lies within the simplex). Otherwise take the middle of the
    longest edge.

    simplex : numpy array
        The coordinates of a triangle with shape (N+1, N)
    transform : N*N matrix
        The multiplication to apply to the simplex before choosing the new point

    point : numpy array of length N
        The coordinates of the suggested new point.

    if transform is not None:
        simplex = np.dot(simplex, transform)

    # choose center if and only if the shape of the simplex is nice,
    # otherwise: the center the longest edge
    center, _radius = circumsphere(simplex)
    if point_in_simplex(center, simplex):
        point = np.average(simplex, axis=0)
        distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(simplex)
        distance_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(distances)
        i, j = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(distance_matrix),
        point = (simplex[i, :] + simplex[j, :]) / 2

    if transform is not None:
        point = np.linalg.solve(transform, point)  # undo the transform

    return point

def _simplex_evaluation_priority(key):
    # We round the loss to 8 digits such that losses
    # are equal up to numerical precision will be considered
    # to be equal. This is needed because we want the learner
    # to behave in a deterministic fashion.
    loss, simplex, subsimplex = key
    return -round(loss, ndigits=8), simplex, subsimplex or (0,)

class LearnerND(BaseLearner):
    """Learns and predicts a function 'f: ℝ^N → ℝ^M'.

    func: callable
        The function to learn. Must take a tuple of N real
        parameters and return a real number or an arraylike of length M.
    bounds : list of 2-tuples or `scipy.spatial.ConvexHull`
        A list ``[(a_1, b_1), (a_2, b_2), ..., (a_n, b_n)]`` containing bounds,
        one pair per dimension.
        Or a ConvexHull that defines the boundary of the domain.
    loss_per_simplex : callable, optional
        A function that returns the loss for a simplex.
        If not provided, then a default is used, which uses
        the deviation from a linear estimate, as well as
        triangle area, to determine the loss.

    data : dict
        Sampled points and values.
    points : numpy array
        Coordinates of the currently known points
    values : numpy array
        The values of each of the known points
    pending_points : set
        Points that still have to be evaluated.

    The sample points are chosen by estimating the point where the
    gradient is maximal. This is based on the currently known points.

    In practice, this sampling protocol results to sparser sampling of
    flat regions, and denser sampling of regions where the function
    has a high gradient, which is useful if the function is expensive to

    This sampling procedure is not fast, so to benefit from
    it, your function needs to be slow enough to compute.

    This class keeps track of all known points. It triangulates these points
    and with every simplex it associates a loss. Then if you request points
    that you will compute in the future, it will subtriangulate a real simplex
    with the pending points inside it and distribute the loss among it's
    children based on volume.

    def __init__(self, func, bounds, loss_per_simplex=None):
        self._vdim = None
        self.loss_per_simplex = loss_per_simplex or default_loss
        self.data = OrderedDict()
        self.pending_points = set()

        if isinstance(bounds, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull):
            hull_points = bounds.points[bounds.vertices]
            self._bounds_points = sorted(list(map(tuple, hull_points)))
            self._bbox = tuple(zip(hull_points.min(axis=0), hull_points.max(axis=0)))
            self._interior = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(self._bounds_points)
            self._bounds_points = sorted(list(map(tuple, itertools.product(*bounds))))
            self._bbox = tuple(tuple(map(float, b)) for b in bounds)

        self.ndim = len(self._bbox)

        self.function = func
        self._tri = None
        self._losses = dict()

        self._pending_to_simplex = dict()  # vertex → simplex

        # triangulation of the pending points inside a specific simplex
        self._subtriangulations = dict()  # simplex → triangulation

        # scale to unit hypercube
        # for the input
        self._transform = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.diff(self._bbox).flat))
        # for the output
        self._min_value = None
        self._max_value = None
        self._output_multiplier = 1 # If we do not know anything, do not scale the values
        self._recompute_losses_factor = 1.1

        # create a private random number generator with fixed seed
        self._random = random.Random(1)

        # all real triangles that have not been subdivided and the pending
        # triangles heap of tuples (-loss, real simplex, sub_simplex or None)

        # _simplex_queue is a heap of tuples (-loss, real_simplex, sub_simplex)
        # It contains all real and pending simplices except for real simplices
        # that have been subdivided.
        # _simplex_queue may contain simplices that have been deleted, this is
        #  because deleting those items from the heap is an expensive operation,
        # so when popping an item, you should check that the simplex that has
        # been returned has not been deleted. This checking is done by
        # _pop_highest_existing_simplex
        self._simplex_queue = SortedKeyList(key=_simplex_evaluation_priority)

    def npoints(self):
        """Number of evaluated points."""
        return len(self.data)

    def vdim(self):
        """Length of the output of ``learner.function``.
        If the output is unsized (when it's a scalar)
        then `vdim = 1`.

        As long as no data is known `vdim = 1`.
        if self._vdim is None and self.data:
                value = next(iter(self.data.values()))
                self._vdim = len(value)
            except TypeError:
                self._vdim = 1
        return self._vdim if self._vdim is not None else 1

    def bounds_are_done(self):
        return all(p in self.data for p in self._bounds_points)

    def _ip(self):
        """A `scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator` instance
        containing the learner's data."""
        # XXX: take our own triangulation into account when generating the _ip
        return interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(self.points, self.values)

    def tri(self):
        """An `adaptive.learner.triangulation.Triangulation` instance
        with all the points of the learner."""
        if self._tri is not None:
            return self._tri

            self._tri = Triangulation(self.points)
            self._update_losses(set(), self._tri.simplices)
            return self._tri
        except ValueError:
            # A ValueError is raised if we do not have enough points or
            # the provided points are coplanar, so we need more points to
            # create a valid triangulation
            return None

    def values(self):
        """Get the values from `data` as a numpy array."""
        return np.array(list(self.data.values()), dtype=float)

    def points(self):
        """Get the points from `data` as a numpy array."""
        return np.array(list(self.data.keys()), dtype=float)

    def tell(self, point, value):
        point = tuple(point)

        if point in self.data:
            return  # we already know about the point

        if value is None:
            return self.tell_pending(point)

        tri = self.tri
        self.data[point] = value

        if not self.inside_bounds(point):

        if tri is not None:
            simplex = self._pending_to_simplex.get(point)
            if simplex is not None and not self._simplex_exists(simplex):
                simplex = None
            to_delete, to_add = tri.add_point(
                point, simplex, transform=self._transform)
            self._update_losses(to_delete, to_add)

    def _simplex_exists(self, simplex):
        simplex = tuple(sorted(simplex))
        return simplex in self.tri.simplices

    def inside_bounds(self, point):
        """Check whether a point is inside the bounds."""
        if hasattr(self, '_interior'):
            return self._interior.find_simplex(point, tol=1e-8) >= 0
            eps = 1e-8
            return all((mn - eps) <= p <= (mx + eps) for p, (mn, mx)
                       in zip(point, self._bbox))

    def tell_pending(self, point, *, simplex=None):
        point = tuple(point)
        if not self.inside_bounds(point):


        if self.tri is None:

        simplex = tuple(simplex or self.tri.locate_point(point))
        if not simplex:
            # Simplex is None if pending point is outside the triangulation,
            # then you do not have subtriangles

        simplex = tuple(simplex)
        simplices = [self.tri.vertex_to_simplices[i] for i in simplex]
        neighbours = set.union(*simplices)
        # Neighbours also includes the simplex itself

        for simpl in neighbours:
            _, to_add = self._try_adding_pending_point_to_simplex(point, simpl)
            if to_add is None:
            self._update_subsimplex_losses(simpl, to_add)

    def _try_adding_pending_point_to_simplex(self, point, simplex):
        # try to insert it
        if not self.tri.point_in_simplex(point, simplex):
            return None, None

        if simplex not in self._subtriangulations:
            vertices = self.tri.get_vertices(simplex)
            self._subtriangulations[simplex] = Triangulation(vertices)

        self._pending_to_simplex[point] = simplex
        return self._subtriangulations[simplex].add_point(point)

    def _update_subsimplex_losses(self, simplex, new_subsimplices):
        loss = self._losses[simplex]

        loss_density = loss / self.tri.volume(simplex)
        subtriangulation = self._subtriangulations[simplex]
        for subsimplex in new_subsimplices:
            subloss = subtriangulation.volume(subsimplex) * loss_density
            self._simplex_queue.add((subloss, simplex, subsimplex))

    def _ask_and_tell_pending(self, n=1):
        xs, losses = zip(*(self._ask() for _ in range(n)))
        return list(xs), list(losses)

    def ask(self, n, tell_pending=True):
        """Chose points for learners."""
        if not tell_pending:
            with restore(self):
                return self._ask_and_tell_pending(n)
            return self._ask_and_tell_pending(n)

    def _ask_bound_point(self):
        # get the next bound point that is still available
        new_point = next(p for p in self._bounds_points
                         if p not in self.data and p not in self.pending_points)
        return new_point, np.inf

    def _ask_point_without_known_simplices(self):
        assert not self._bounds_available
        # pick a random point inside the bounds
        # XXX: change this into picking a point based on volume loss
        a = np.diff(self._bbox).flat
        b = np.array(self._bbox)[:, 0]
        p = None
        while p is None or not self.inside_bounds(p):
            r = np.array([self._random.random() for _ in range(self.ndim)])
            p = r * a + b
            p = tuple(p)

        return p, np.inf

    def _pop_highest_existing_simplex(self):
        # find the simplex with the highest loss, we do need to check that the
        # simplex hasn't been deleted yet
        while len(self._simplex_queue):
            loss, simplex, subsimplex = self._simplex_queue.pop(0)
            if (subsimplex is None
                and simplex in self.tri.simplices
                and simplex not in self._subtriangulations):
                return abs(loss), simplex, subsimplex
            if (simplex in self._subtriangulations
                and simplex in self.tri.simplices
                and subsimplex in self._subtriangulations[simplex].simplices):
                return abs(loss), simplex, subsimplex

        # Could not find a simplex, this code should never be reached
        assert self.tri is not None
        raise AssertionError(
            "Could not find a simplex to subdivide. Yet there should always"
            "  be a simplex available if LearnerND.tri() is not None."

    def _ask_best_point(self):
        assert self.tri is not None

        loss, simplex, subsimplex = self._pop_highest_existing_simplex()

        if subsimplex is None:
            # We found a real simplex and want to subdivide it
            points = self.tri.get_vertices(simplex)
            # We found a pending simplex and want to subdivide it
            subtri = self._subtriangulations[simplex]
            points = subtri.get_vertices(subsimplex)

        point_new = tuple(choose_point_in_simplex(points,

        self._pending_to_simplex[point_new] = simplex
        self.tell_pending(point_new, simplex=simplex)  # O(??)

        return point_new, loss

    def _bounds_available(self):
        return any((p not in self.pending_points and p not in self.data)
                   for p in self._bounds_points)

    def _ask(self):
        if self._bounds_available:
            return self._ask_bound_point()  # O(1)

        if self.tri is None:
            # All bound points are pending or have been evaluated, but we do not
            # have enough evaluated points to construct a triangulation, so we
            # pick a random point
            return self._ask_point_without_known_simplices()  # O(1)

        return self._ask_best_point()  # O(log N)

    def _update_losses(self, to_delete: set, to_add: set):
        # XXX: add the points outside the triangulation to this as well
        pending_points_unbound = set()

        for simplex in to_delete:
            loss = self._losses.pop(simplex, None)
            subtri = self._subtriangulations.pop(simplex, None)
            if subtri is not None:

        pending_points_unbound = set(p for p in pending_points_unbound
                                     if p not in self.data)

        for simplex in to_add:
            loss = self._compute_loss(simplex)
            self._losses[simplex] = loss

            for p in pending_points_unbound:
                self._try_adding_pending_point_to_simplex(p, simplex)

            if simplex not in self._subtriangulations:
                self._simplex_queue.add((loss, simplex, None))

                simplex, self._subtriangulations[simplex].simplices)

    def _compute_loss(self, simplex):
        # get the loss
        vertices = self.tri.get_vertices(simplex)
        values = [self.data[tuple(v)] for v in vertices]

        # scale them to a cube with sides 1
        vertices = vertices @ self._transform
        values = self._output_multiplier * values

        # compute the loss on the scaled simplex
        return float(self.loss_per_simplex(vertices, values))

    def _recompute_all_losses(self):
        """Recompute all losses and pending losses."""
        # amortized O(N) complexity
        if self.tri is None:

        # reset the _simplex_queue
        self._simplex_queue = SortedKeyList(key=_simplex_evaluation_priority)

        # recompute all losses
        for simplex in self.tri.simplices:
            loss = self._compute_loss(simplex)
            self._losses[simplex] = loss

            # now distribute it around the the children if they are present
            if simplex not in self._subtriangulations:
                self._simplex_queue.add((loss, simplex, None))

                simplex, self._subtriangulations[simplex].simplices)

    def _scale(self):
        # get the output scale
        return self._max_value - self._min_value

    def _update_range(self, new_output):
        if self._min_value is None or self._max_value is None:
            # this is the first point, nothing to do, just set the range
            self._min_value = np.array(new_output)
            self._max_value = np.array(new_output)
            self._old_scale = self._scale
            return False

        # if range in one or more directions is doubled, then update all losses
        self._min_value = np.minimum(self._min_value, new_output)
        self._max_value = np.maximum(self._max_value, new_output)

        scale_multiplier = 1 / self._scale
        if isinstance(scale_multiplier, float):
            scale_multiplier = np.array([scale_multiplier], dtype=float)

        # the maximum absolute value that is in the range. Because this is the
        # largest number, this also has the largest absolute numerical error.
        max_absolute_value_in_range = np.max(np.abs([self._min_value, self._max_value]), axis=0)
        # since a float has a relative error of 1e-15, the absolute error is the value * 1e-15
        abs_err = 1e-15 * max_absolute_value_in_range
        # when scaling the floats, the error gets increased.
        scaled_err = abs_err * scale_multiplier

        allowed_numerical_error = 1e-2

        # do not scale along the axis if the numerical error gets too big
        scale_multiplier[scaled_err > allowed_numerical_error] = 1

        self._output_multiplier = scale_multiplier

        scale_factor = np.max(np.nan_to_num(self._scale / self._old_scale))
        if scale_factor > self._recompute_losses_factor:
            self._old_scale = self._scale
            return True
        return False

    def loss(self, real=True):
        # XXX: compute pending loss if real == False
        losses = self._losses if self.tri is not None else dict()
        return max(losses.values()) if losses else float('inf')

    def remove_unfinished(self):
        # XXX: implement this method
        self.pending_points = set()
        self._subtriangulations = dict()
        self._pending_to_simplex = dict()

    # Plotting related stuff #

    def plot(self, n=None, tri_alpha=0):
        """Plot the function we want to learn, only works in 2D.

        n : int
            the number of boxes in the interpolation grid along each axis
        tri_alpha : float (0 to 1)
            Opacity of triangulation lines
        hv = ensure_holoviews()
        if self.vdim > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('holoviews currently does not support',
                                      '3D surface plots in bokeh.')
        if self.ndim != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D plots are implemented: You can "
                                      "plot a 2D slice with 'plot_slice'.")
        x, y = self._bbox
        lbrt = x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1]

        if len(self.data) >= 4:
            if n is None:
                # Calculate how many grid points are needed.
                # factor from A=√3/4 * a² (equilateral triangle)
                scale_factor = np.product(np.diag(self._transform))
                a_sq = np.sqrt(np.min(self.tri.volumes()) * scale_factor)
                n = max(10, int(0.658 / a_sq))

            xs = ys = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
            xs = xs * (x[1] - x[0]) + x[0]
            ys = ys * (y[1] - y[0]) + y[0]
            z = self._ip()(xs[:, None], ys[None, :]).squeeze()

            im = hv.Image(np.rot90(z), bounds=lbrt)

            if tri_alpha:
                points = np.array([self.tri.get_vertices(s)
                                   for s in self.tri.simplices])
                points = np.pad(points[:, [0, 1, 2, 0], :],
                                pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)),
                                constant_values=np.nan).reshape(-1, 2)
                tris = hv.EdgePaths([points])
                tris = hv.EdgePaths([])
            im = hv.Image([], bounds=lbrt)
            tris = hv.EdgePaths([])

        im_opts = dict(cmap='viridis')
        tri_opts = dict(line_width=0.5, alpha=tri_alpha)
        no_hover = dict(plot=dict(inspection_policy=None, tools=[]))

        return im.opts(style=im_opts) * tris.opts(style=tri_opts, **no_hover)

    def plot_slice(self, cut_mapping, n=None):
        """Plot a 1D or 2D interpolated slice of a N-dimensional function.

        cut_mapping : dict (int → float)
            for each fixed dimension the value, the other dimensions
            are interpolated. e.g. ``cut_mapping = {0: 1}``, so from
            dimension 0 ('x') to value 1.
        n : int
            the number of boxes in the interpolation grid along each axis
        hv = ensure_holoviews()
        plot_dim = self.ndim - len(cut_mapping)
        if plot_dim == 1:
            if not self.data:
                return hv.Scatter([]) * hv.Path([])
            elif self.vdim > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError('multidimensional output not yet'
                                          ' supported by `plot_slice`')
            n = n or 201
            values = [cut_mapping.get(i, np.linspace(*self._bbox[i], n))
                      for i in range(self.ndim)]
            ind = next(i for i in range(self.ndim) if i not in cut_mapping)
            x = values[ind]
            y = self._ip()(*values)
            p = hv.Path((x, y))

            # Plot with 5% margins such that the boundary points are visible
            margin = 0.05 / self._transform[ind, ind]
            plot_bounds = (x.min() - margin, x.max() + margin)
            return p.redim(x=dict(range=plot_bounds))

        elif plot_dim == 2:
            if self.vdim > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError('holoviews currently does not support'
                                          ' 3D surface plots in bokeh.')
            if n is None:
                # Calculate how many grid points are needed.
                # factor from A=√3/4 * a² (equilateral triangle)
                scale_factor = np.product(np.diag(self._transform))
                a_sq = np.sqrt(np.min(self.tri.volumes()) * scale_factor)
                n = max(10, int(0.658 / a_sq))

            xs = ys = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
            xys = [xs[:, None], ys[None, :]]
            values = [cut_mapping[i] if i in cut_mapping
                      else xys.pop(0) * (b[1] - b[0]) + b[0]
                      for i, b in enumerate(self._bbox)]

            lbrt = [b for i, b in enumerate(self._bbox)
                    if i not in cut_mapping]
            lbrt = np.reshape(lbrt, (2, 2)).T.flatten().tolist()

            if len(self.data) >= 4:
                z = self._ip()(*values).squeeze()
                im = hv.Image(np.rot90(z), bounds=lbrt)
                im = hv.Image([], bounds=lbrt)

            return im.opts(style=dict(cmap='viridis'))
            raise ValueError("Only 1 or 2-dimensional plots can be generated.")

    def plot_3D(self, with_triangulation=False):
        """Plot the learner's data in 3D using plotly.

        Does *not* work with the
        `adaptive.notebook_integration.live_plot` functionality.

        with_triangulation : bool, default: False
            Add the verticices to the plot.

        plot : `plotly.offline.iplot` object
            The 3D plot of ``learner.data``.
        plotly = ensure_plotly()

        plots = []

        vertices = self.tri.vertices
        if with_triangulation:
            Xe, Ye, Ze = [], [], []
            for simplex in self.tri.simplices:
                for s in itertools.combinations(simplex, 2):
                    Xe += [vertices[i][0] for i in s] + [None]
                    Ye += [vertices[i][1] for i in s] + [None]
                    Ze += [vertices[i][2] for i in s] + [None]

                x=Xe, y=Ye, z=Ze, mode='lines',
                line=dict(color='rgb(125,125,125)', width=1),

        Xn, Yn, Zn = zip(*vertices)
        colors = [self.data[p] for p in self.tri.vertices]
        marker = dict(symbol='circle', size=3, color=colors,
            line=dict(color='rgb(50,50,50)', width=0.5))

            x=Xn, y=Yn, z=Zn, mode='markers',
            name='actors', marker=marker,

        axis = dict(

        layout = plotly.graph_objs.Layout(
            scene=dict(xaxis=axis, yaxis=axis, zaxis=axis),

        fig = plotly.graph_objs.Figure(data=plots, layout=layout)

        return plotly.offline.iplot(fig)

    def _get_data(self):
        return self.data

    def _set_data(self, data):

    def _get_iso(self, level=0.0, which='surface'):
        if which == 'surface':
            if self.ndim != 3 or self.vdim != 1:
                raise Exception('Isosurface plotting is only supported'
                                ' for a 3D input and 1D output')
            get_surface = True
            get_line = False
        elif which == 'line':
            if self.ndim != 2 or self.vdim != 1:
                raise Exception('Isoline plotting is only supported'
                                ' for a 2D input and 1D output')
            get_surface = False
            get_line = True

        vertices = []  # index -> (x,y,z)
        faces_or_lines = []  # tuple of indices of the corner points

        def _get_vertex_index(a, b):
            vertex_a = self.tri.vertices[a]
            vertex_b = self.tri.vertices[b]
            value_a = self.data[vertex_a]
            value_b = self.data[vertex_b]

            da = abs(value_a - level)
            db = abs(value_b - level)
            dab = da + db

            new_pt = (db / dab * np.array(vertex_a)
                      + da / dab * np.array(vertex_b))

            new_index = len(vertices)
            return new_index

        for simplex in self.tri.simplices:
            plane_or_line = []
            for a, b in itertools.combinations(simplex, 2):
                va = self.data[self.tri.vertices[a]]
                vb = self.data[self.tri.vertices[b]]
                if min(va, vb) < level <= max(va, vb):
                    vi = _get_vertex_index(a, b)
                    should_add = True
                    for pi in plane_or_line:
                        if np.allclose(vertices[vi], vertices[pi]):
                            should_add = False
                    if should_add:

            if get_surface and len(plane_or_line) == 3:
            elif get_surface and len(plane_or_line) == 4:
            elif get_line and len(plane_or_line) == 2:

        if len(faces_or_lines) == 0:
            r_min = min(self.data[v] for v in self.tri.vertices)
            r_max = max(self.data[v] for v in self.tri.vertices)

            raise ValueError(
                f"Could not draw isosurface for level={level}, as"
                " this value is not inside the function range. Please choose"
                f" a level strictly inside interval ({r_min}, {r_max})"

        return vertices, faces_or_lines

    def plot_isoline(self, level=0.0, n=None, tri_alpha=0):
        """Plot the isoline at a specific level, only works in 2D.

        level : float, default: 0
            The value of the function at which you would like to see
            the isoline.
        n : int
            The number of boxes in the interpolation grid along each axis.
            This is passed to `plot`.
        tri_alpha : float
            The opacity of the overlaying triangulation. This is passed
            to `plot`.

            The plot of the isoline(s). This overlays a `plot` with a
        hv = ensure_holoviews()
        if n == -1:
            plot = hv.Path([])
            plot = self.plot(n=n, tri_alpha=tri_alpha)

        if isinstance(level, Iterable):
            for l in level:
                plot = plot * self.plot_isoline(level=l, n=-1)
            return plot

        vertices, lines = self._get_iso(level, which='line')
        paths = [[vertices[i], vertices[j]] for i, j in lines]
        contour = hv.Path(paths)

        contour_opts = dict(color='black')
        contour = contour.opts(style=contour_opts)
        return plot * contour

    def plot_isosurface(self, level=0.0, hull_opacity=0.2):
        """Plots a linearly interpolated isosurface.

        This is the 3D analog of an isoline. Does *not* work with the
        `adaptive.notebook_integration.live_plot` functionality.

        level : float, default: 0.0
            the function value which you are interested in.
        hull_opacity : float, default: 0.0
            the opacity of the hull of the domain.

        plot : `plotly.offline.iplot` object
            The plot object of the isosurface.
        plotly = ensure_plotly()

        vertices, faces = self._get_iso(level, which='surface')
        x, y, z = zip(*vertices)

        fig = plotly.figure_factory.create_trisurf(
            x=x, y=y, z=z, plot_edges=False,
            simplices=faces, title="Isosurface")
        isosurface = fig.data[0]
        isosurface.update(lighting=dict(ambient=1, diffuse=1,
            roughness=1, specular=0, fresnel=0))

        if hull_opacity < 1e-3:
            # Do not compute the hull_mesh.
            return plotly.offline.iplot(fig)

        hull_mesh = self._get_hull_mesh(opacity=hull_opacity)
        return plotly.offline.iplot([isosurface, hull_mesh])

    def _get_hull_mesh(self, opacity=0.2):
        plotly = ensure_plotly()
        hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(self._bounds_points)

        # Find the colors of each plane, giving triangles which are coplanar
        # the same color, such that a square face has the same color.
        color_dict = {}

        def _get_plane_color(simplex):
            simplex = tuple(simplex)
            # If the volume of the two triangles combined is zero then they
            # belong to the same plane.
            for simplex_key, color in color_dict.items():
                points = [hull.points[i] for i in set(simplex_key + simplex)]
                points = np.array(points)
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(points[1:] - points[0]) < 3:
                    return color
                if scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points).volume < 1e-5:
                    return color
            color_dict[simplex] = tuple(random.randint(0, 255)
                                        for _ in range(3))
            return color_dict[simplex]

        colors = [_get_plane_color(simplex) for simplex in hull.simplices]

        x, y, z = zip(*self._bounds_points)
        i, j, k = hull.simplices.T
        lighting = dict(ambient=1, diffuse=1, roughness=1,
                        specular=0, fresnel=0)
        return plotly.graph_objs.Mesh3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, i=i, j=j, k=k,
                                        facecolor=colors, opacity=opacity,