from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter

import numpy as np
import pytest

from adaptive.learner import IntegratorLearner
from adaptive.learner.integrator_coeffs import ns
from adaptive.learner.integrator_learner import DivergentIntegralError

from .algorithm_4 import DivergentIntegralError as A4DivergentIntegralError
from .algorithm_4 import algorithm_4, f0, f7, f21, f24, f63, fdiv

eps = np.spacing(1)

def run_integrator_learner(f, a, b, tol, n):
    learner = IntegratorLearner(f, bounds=(a, b), tol=tol)
    for _ in range(n):
        points, _ = learner.ask(1)
        learner.tell_many(points, map(learner.function, points))
    return learner

def equal_ival(ival, other, *, verbose=False):
    """Note: Implementing __eq__ breaks SortedContainers in some way."""
    if ival.depth_complete is None:
        if verbose:
            print(f"Interval {ival} is not complete.")
        return False

    slots = set(ival.__slots__).intersection(other.__slots__)
    same_slots = []
    for s in slots:
        a = getattr(ival, s)
        b = getattr(other, s)
        is_equal = np.allclose(a, b, rtol=0, atol=eps, equal_nan=True)
        if verbose and not is_equal:
            print("ival.{} - other.{} = {}".format(s, s, a - b))

    return all(same_slots)

def equal_ivals(ivals, other, *, verbose=False):
    """Note: `other` is a list of ivals."""
    if len(ivals) != len(other):
        if verbose:
            print("len(ivals)={} != len(other)={}".format(len(ivals), len(other)))
        return False

    ivals = [sorted(i, key=attrgetter("a")) for i in [ivals, other]]
    return all(
        equal_ival(ival, other_ival, verbose=verbose)
        for ival, other_ival in zip(*ivals)

def same_ivals(f, a, b, tol):
    igral, err, n, ivals = algorithm_4(f, a, b, tol)

    learner = run_integrator_learner(f, a, b, tol, n)

    # This will only show up if the test fails, anyway
        "igral difference", learner.igral - igral, "err difference", learner.err - err

    return equal_ivals(learner.ivals, ivals, verbose=True)

# XXX: This *should* pass (
def test_that_gives_same_intervals_as_reference_implementation():
    for i, args in enumerate(
        [[f0, 0, 3, 1e-5], [f7, 0, 1, 1e-6], [f21, 0, 1, 1e-3], [f24, 0, 3, 1e-3]]
        assert same_ivals(*args), f"Function {i}"

def test_machine_precision():
    f, a, b, tol = [partial(f63, alpha=0.987654321, beta=0.45), 0, 1, 1e-10]
    igral, err, n, ivals = algorithm_4(f, a, b, tol)

    learner = run_integrator_learner(f, a, b, tol, n)

        "igral difference", learner.igral - igral, "err difference", learner.err - err

    assert equal_ivals(learner.ivals, ivals, verbose=True)

def test_machine_precision2():
    f, a, b, tol = [partial(f63, alpha=0.987654321, beta=0.45), 0, 1, 1e-10]
    igral, err, n, ivals = algorithm_4(f, a, b, tol)

    learner = run_integrator_learner(f, a, b, tol, n)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(igral, learner.igral)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(err, learner.err)

def test_divergence():
    """This function should raise a DivergentIntegralError."""
    f, a, b, tol = fdiv, 0, 1, 1e-6
    with pytest.raises(A4DivergentIntegralError) as e:
        igral, err, n, ivals = algorithm_4(f, a, b, tol)

    n = e.value.nr_points

    with pytest.raises(DivergentIntegralError):
        run_integrator_learner(f, a, b, tol, n)

def test_choosing_and_adding_points_one_by_one():
    learner = IntegratorLearner(f24, bounds=(0, 3), tol=1e-10)
    for _ in range(1000):
        xs, _ = learner.ask(1)
        for x in xs:
            learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))

def test_choosing_and_adding_multiple_points_at_once():
    learner = IntegratorLearner(f24, bounds=(0, 3), tol=1e-10)
    xs, _ = learner.ask(100)
    for x in xs:
        learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))

def test_adding_points_and_skip_one_point():
    learner = IntegratorLearner(f24, bounds=(0, 3), tol=1e-10)
    xs, _ = learner.ask(17)
    skip_x = xs[1]

    for x in xs:
        if x != skip_x:
            learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))

    for i in range(1000):
        xs, _ = learner.ask(1)
        for x in xs:
            if x != skip_x:
                learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))

    # Now add the point that was skipped
    learner.tell(skip_x, learner.function(skip_x))

    # Create a learner with the same number of points, which should
    # give an identical igral value.
    learner2 = IntegratorLearner(f24, bounds=(0, 3), tol=1e-10)
    for i in range(1017):
        xs, _ = learner2.ask(1)
        for x in xs:
            learner2.tell(x, learner2.function(x))

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.igral, learner2.igral)

# XXX: This *should* pass (
def test_tell_in_random_order(first_add_33=False):
    import random
    from operator import attrgetter

    tol = 1e-10
    for f, a, b in ([f0, 0, 3], [f21, 0, 1], [f24, 0, 3], [f7, 0, 1]):
        learners = []

        for shuffle in [True, False]:
            learner = IntegratorLearner(f, bounds=(a, b), tol=tol)

            if first_add_33:
                xs, _ = learner.ask(33)
                for x in xs:
                    learner.tell(x, f(x))

            xs, _ = learner.ask(10000)

            if shuffle:
            for x in xs:
                learner.tell(x, f(x))


        # Check whether the points of the learners are identical
        assert set(learners[0].data) == set(learners[1].data)

        # Test whether approximating_intervals gives a complete set of intervals
        for learner in learners:
            ivals = sorted(learner.approximating_intervals, key=lambda l: l.a)
            for i in range(len(ivals) - 1):
                assert ivals[i].b == ivals[i + 1].a, (ivals[i], ivals[i + 1])

        # Test if approximating_intervals is the same for random order of adding the point
        ivals = [
            sorted(ival, key=attrgetter("a"))
            for ival in [l.approximating_intervals for l in learners]
        assert all(ival.a == other_ival.a for ival, other_ival in zip(*ivals))

        # Test if the approximating_intervals are the same
        ivals = [{(i.a, i.b) for i in l.approximating_intervals} for l in learners]
        assert ivals[0] == ivals[1]

        # Test whether the igral is identical
        assert np.allclose(learners[0].igral, learners[1].igral), f

        # Compare if the errors are in line with the sequential case
        igral, err, *_ = algorithm_4(f, a, b, tol=tol)
        assert all((l.err + err >= abs(l.igral - igral)) for l in learners)

        # Check that the errors are finite
        for learner in learners:
            assert np.isfinite(learner.err)

# XXX: This *should* pass (
def test_tell_in_random_order_first_add_33():

def test_approximating_intervals():
    import random

    learner = IntegratorLearner(f24, bounds=(0, 3), tol=1e-10)

    xs, _ = learner.ask(10000)
    for x in xs:
        learner.tell(x, f24(x))

    ivals = sorted(learner.approximating_intervals, key=lambda l: l.a)
    for i in range(len(ivals) - 1):
        assert ivals[i].b == ivals[i + 1].a, (ivals[i], ivals[i + 1])

# XXX: This *should* pass (
def test_removed_choose_mutiple_points_at_once():
    """Given that a high-precision interval that was split into 2 low-precision ones,
       we should use the high-precision interval.
    learner = IntegratorLearner(np.exp, bounds=(0, 1), tol=1e-15)
    n = ns[-1] + 2 * (ns[0] - 2)  # first + two children (33+6=39)
    xs, _ = learner.ask(n)
    for x in xs:
        learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))
    assert list(learner.approximating_intervals)[0] == learner.first_ival

def test_removed_ask_one_by_one():
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        # This test should raise because integrating np.exp should be done
        # after the 33th point
        learner = IntegratorLearner(np.exp, bounds=(0, 1), tol=1e-15)
        n = ns[-1] + 2 * (ns[0] - 2)  # first + two children (33+6=39)
        for _ in range(n):
            xs, _ = learner.ask(1)
            for x in xs:
                learner.tell(x, learner.function(x))