steps: - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]/usr/share/miniconda/bin" displayName: Add conda to PATH - script: conda env create --quiet --file environment.yml displayName: Create Anaconda environment - script: | source activate adaptive pip install -r test-requirements.txt displayName: 'Install test-requirements.txt' - script: | source activate adaptive pytest --verbose --cov=adaptive --cov-report term --cov-report html adaptive displayName: 'Run the tests' - script: | MISSING_AUTHORS=$(git shortlog -s HEAD | sed -e "s/^[0-9\t ]*//"| xargs -i sh -c 'grep -q "{}" || echo "{} missing from authors"') if [ ! -z "$MISSING_AUTHORS" ]; then { echo $MISSING_AUTHORS; exit 1; }; fi continueOnError: true displayName: 'Authors check' - script: ./check_whitespace continueOnError: true displayName: 'Whitespace check'