Tutorial `~adaptive.Learner2D`

.. note::
   Because this documentation consists of static html, the ``live_plot``
   and ``live_info`` widget is not live. Download the notebook
   in order to see the real behaviour.

.. seealso::
    The complete source code of this tutorial can be found in

.. jupyter-execute::

    import adaptive

    import numpy as np
    from functools import partial

Besides 1D functions, we can also learn 2D functions:
:math:`\ f: ℝ^2 → ℝ`.

.. jupyter-execute::

    def ring(xy, wait=True):
        import numpy as np
        from time import sleep
        from random import random
        if wait:
        x, y = xy
        a = 0.2
        return x + np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2 - 0.75**2)**2/a**4)

    learner = adaptive.Learner2D(ring, bounds=[(-1, 1), (-1, 1)])

.. jupyter-execute::

    runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=lambda l: l.loss() < 0.01)

.. jupyter-execute::

    await runner.task  # This is not needed in a notebook environment!

.. jupyter-execute::


.. jupyter-execute::

    def plot(learner):
        plot = learner.plot(tri_alpha=0.2)
        return (plot.Image + plot.EdgePaths.I + plot).cols(2)

    runner.live_plot(plotter=plot, update_interval=0.1)

.. jupyter-execute::

    %%opts EdgePaths (color='w')

    import itertools

    # Create a learner and add data on homogeneous grid, so that we can plot it
    learner2 = adaptive.Learner2D(ring, bounds=learner.bounds)
    n = int(learner.npoints**0.5)
    xs, ys = [np.linspace(*bounds, n) for bounds in learner.bounds]
    xys = list(itertools.product(xs, ys))
    learner2.tell_many(xys, map(partial(ring, wait=False), xys))

    (learner2.plot(n).relabel('Homogeneous grid') + learner.plot().relabel('With adaptive') +
     learner2.plot(n, tri_alpha=0.4) + learner.plot(tri_alpha=0.4)).cols(2)