trigger: branches: include: - master pr: - "*" jobs: - job: pytest strategy: # use cross-product when is solved matrix: UbuntuPy36: python.version: '3.6' vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' tox_env: 'py36' UbuntuPy37: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' tox_env: 'py37' UbuntuPy38: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' tox_env: 'py38' macOSPy36: python.version: '3.6' vmImage: 'macOS-latest' tox_env: 'py36' macOSPy37: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'macOS-latest' tox_env: 'py37' macOSPy38: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'macOS-latest' tox_env: 'py38' WindowsServerPy36: python.version: '3.6' vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016' tox_env: 'py36' WindowsServerPy37: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016' tox_env: 'py37' WindowsServerPy38: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016' tox_env: 'py38' WindowsPy36: python.version: '3.6' vmImage: 'windows-latest' tox_env: 'py36' WindowsPy37: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'windows-latest' tox_env: 'py37' WindowsPy38: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'windows-latest' tox_env: 'py38' pool: vmImage: '$(vmImage)' steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '$(python.version)' - script: pip install tox displayName: Install tox - script: tox -e $(tox_env)-mindeps displayName: Run the tests with minimal dependencies - script: tox -e clean displayName: Clean - script: tox -e $(tox_env)-alldeps displayName: Run the tests - job: coverage steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '3.7' - script: pip install tox displayName: Install tox - script: tox -e py37-alldeps,report displayName: Run the tests and generate coverage - script: | pip install codecov codecov -t $(CODECOV_TOKEN) -f .coverage.xml displayName: Test upload coverage - job: pre_commit steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '3.7' - script: pip install tox displayName: Install tox - script: tox -e pre-commit displayName: Lining tests - job: authors_check steps: - script: | MISSING_AUTHORS=$(git shortlog -s HEAD | sed -e "s/^[0-9\t ]*//"| xargs -i sh -c 'grep -q "{}" || echo "{} missing from authors"') if [ ! -z "$MISSING_AUTHORS" ]; then { echo $MISSING_AUTHORS; exit 1; }; fi displayName: 'Authors check' continueOnError: true