Browse code

add the 'LearnerND' to the README

Bas Nijholt authored on 18/07/2018 20:21:28
Showing 1 changed files
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@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ sampling are completely customizable.
35 35
 The following learners are implemented:
36 36
 * `Learner1D`, for 1D functions `f: ℝ → ℝ^N`,
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 * `Learner2D`, for 2D functions `f: ℝ^2 → ℝ^N`,
+* `LearnerND`, for ND functions `f: ℝ^N → ℝ^M`,
38 39
 * `AverageLearner`, For stochastic functions where you want to average the result over many evaluations,
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 * `IntegratorLearner`, for when you want to intergrate a 1D function `f: ℝ → ℝ`,
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 * `BalancingLearner`, for when you want to run several learners at once, selecting the "best" one each time you get more points.