(ns dmr.views
   [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
   [clojure.string :as string]
   [goog.string :as gstr]
   [dmr.config :as config]
   [dmr.styles :as styles]
   [dmr.subs :as subs]
   [dmr.events :as events]))

; TODO: move this functionto a separate 'utils' module
(defn ordinal [n]
    (let [final-digit (mod n 10)
          suffix (case final-digit
                   0 "th"
                   1 "st"
                   2 "nd"
                   3 "rd"
        (str n suffix)))

(defn- join-lines [coll]
    (string/join \newline coll))

(defn- comma-separated [coll]
    (string/join ", " coll))

(defn- parenthesize [s]
    (when s (str "(" s ")")))

(defn- spaced [& elements]
    (string/join " " (filter identity elements)))

(defn- with-default [default x]
  (if (nil? x) default x))

(defn- third [coll] (nth coll 2))

(defn- zip [& colls] (apply map vector colls))

(defn- enumerated [& colls] (apply zip (range) colls))

(defn prompt []
  (let [cmdline (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/cmdline])
        suggestions (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/cmdline-suggestions])
        update-cmdline #(re-frame/dispatch-sync
                         [::events/update-cmdline (-> % .-target .-value)])
        key-pressed #(re-frame/dispatch-sync [::events/prompt-keypress %])
        submit-cmd #(do (.preventDefault %)
                        (re-frame/dispatch [::events/submit-cmd (-> % .-target)]))]
    [:form {:class (styles/prompt-style)
            :on-submit submit-cmd}
     [:input {:value @cmdline
              :on-change update-cmdline
              :on-keyDown key-pressed
              :type "text"}]

      (let [{:keys [options selected]} @suggestions]
         (for [[idx x] (enumerated options)]
           ^{:key x} [:li
                      {:class (when (= idx selected) :selected)
                       :on-mouse-enter #(re-frame/dispatch [::events/hover-suggestion idx])
                       :on-click #(do (.preventDefault %)
                                      (re-frame/dispatch [::events/click-suggestion
                                                          (-> % .-target .-parentElement .-parentElement)

(defn title []
  (let [name (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/name])]
    [:h1 "Welcome to " @name]))

(defn- property-list [& props]
     [:ul {:class (styles/property-list)}]
     (for [[index [prop v]] (->> props (partition 2) (filter second) enumerated)]
       ^{:key index} [:li [:span prop] [:span v]])))

(defn- property-table [items & props]
  (let [pprops (partition 3 props)
        headings (map first pprops)
        attrs (map second pprops)
        getters (map third pprops)]
    [:table {:class (styles/property-table)}
        (for [[index attr heading] (enumerated attrs headings)]
          ^{:key index}
           [:th attr heading])]]
       (for [[row-index item] (enumerated items)]
         ^{:key row-index}
           (for [[col-index attr f] (enumerated attrs getters)]
             ^{:key col-index}
              [:td attr (->> item f (with-default "-"))])])]]))
(defn- license-notice [x]
    (let [l (x :license-notice)]
      (when l
         (spaced (x :name) "is" (l :content-kind) "subject to the" (l :license-name))])))

(defn- listing-license-notice [listing]
   {:name "This listing"
    :license-notice (-> listing first :license-notice)}])

(defn- description [x]
    (some->> x :desc (map #(vector :p %)) (into [:section.description])))

(defn- heading [x]
    [:h1 (get x :name (str x))])

(defn- pounds [w]
    (if (= w 1)
      (spaced w "lb")
      (spaced w "lbs")))

(defn- cost [x]
    (when (x :cost)
        (spaced (-> x :cost :quantity) (-> x :cost :unit))))

(defn- speed [x]
    (when (x :speed)
        (spaced (-> x :speed :quantity) (-> x :speed :unit))))

(defn- weight
    [x & {:keys [no-quantity unit] :or {no-quantity false unit pounds}}]
    (let [unit (if (string? unit) #(spaced % unit) unit)]
      (when (x :weight)
          (-> x :weight unit)
          (when (not no-quantity)
            (some->> x :quantity (str "for ") parenthesize))))))

(defn- capacity [x]
    (some-> x :capacity))

(defn- short-spell-description [spell]
    (-> spell :level ordinal)
    (-> spell :school :name string/lower-case)

(defn license-panel [license]
    [:article {:class (styles/license-panel)}
     [:h1 (license :license-name)]
     [:p (license :preamble)]
       (for [[index clause] (enumerated (license :clauses))]
          ^{:key index}
           [:li clause])]
       (for [[index text] (enumerated (license :copyright-notice))]
         ^{:key index} [:p text])]])

(defn spell-panel [spell]
      [:article {:class (styles/spell-panel)}
       [heading spell]
       [:div [:span.kind (short-spell-description spell)]]
        ; Refactor these so that we get the "name" from the keyword by replacing
        ; '-' and '_' and capitalizing
           (let [level (-> spell :level str keyword)
                 damage (some-> spell :damage :damage_at_slot_level level)
                 damage-type (some-> spell :damage :damage_type :name string/lower-case)]
            (when damage (str damage ", " damage-type)))
         "Casting Time"
           (-> spell :casting_time)
           (some-> spell :range string/lower-case (string/replace " feet" "'"))
            (comma-separated (spell :components))
            (when (spell :material) (parenthesize (spell :material))))
            (-> spell :duration string/lower-case)
            (when (spell :concentration) "(requires concentration)"))]
       [description spell]
       (let [at-higher-levels (some-> spell :higher_level join-lines)]
        (when at-higher-levels
             [:span "At higher levels"]
             [:span at-higher-levels]]))
       [license-notice spell]])

(defn equipment-panel [item]
    [:article {:class (styles/equipment-panel)}
     [heading item]
       (-> item :equipment_category :name)
         (item :gear_category) (-> item :gear_category :name string/lower-case parenthesize)
         (item :vehicle_category) (-> item :vehicle_category string/lower-case parenthesize)))]
        (speed item)
      "Carrying Capacity"
        (capacity item)
        (weight item)
         (cost item)
         (some->> item :quantity (str "for ") parenthesize))]
     [description item]
     [license-notice item]])

(defn weapon-panel [weapon]
 (let [weapon-kind (-> weapon :weapon_range string/lower-case)
       weapon-category (-> weapon :weapon_category string/lower-case)]
  [:article {:class (styles/weapon-panel)}
    [heading weapon]
    [:span.kind (spaced weapon-category weapon-kind "weapon")]
     ; 'two-handed-damage' is defined for *single-handed* weapons with the "versatile"
     ; property. Actual two-handed weapons have 'damage' only.
       (let [damage-type (-> weapon :damage :damage_type :name string/lower-case)
             damage (-> weapon :damage :damage_dice)
             two-handed-damage (some-> weapon :two_handed_damage :damage_dice)]
        (if two-handed-damage
          (spaced damage (parenthesize two-handed-damage) damage-type)
          (spaced damage damage-type)))
       (when (= weapon-kind "ranged")
         (gstr/format "%d' (%d')" (-> weapon :range :normal) (-> weapon :range :long)))
       (some->> weapon :properties (map :name) (map string/lower-case) comma-separated)
       (weight weapon)
       (cost weapon)]
    [license-notice weapon]]))

(defn spell-list-panel [spells]
  [:article {:class (styles/spell-list-panel)}
    [heading "Spells"]
     (for [[index spell] (enumerated (sort-by :name spells))]
        ^{:key index}
           [:span (spell :name)]
           [:span (-> spell short-spell-description parenthesize)]])]
    [listing-license-notice spells]])

(defn equipment-list-panel [items]
  [:article {:class (styles/item-list-panel)}
   [heading "Items"]
   [property-table items
       {:align :right}
       {:align :right}
       #(weight % :unit "lb" :no-quantity true)]
   [listing-license-notice items]])

(defn error-message
    [{e :err}]
    [:div {:class (styles/error-message)} e])

(defn input [x]
    [:div.input x])

(def is-license? :license-name)
(def is-spell? #(some-> % :url (string/starts-with? "/api/spells")))
(def is-spell-list? #(some-> % first is-spell?))
(def is-equipment? #(some-> % :url (string/starts-with? "/api/equipment")))
(def is-equipment-list? #(some-> % first is-equipment?))
(def is-weapon? #(and (is-equipment? %) (-> % :equipment_category :index (= "weapon"))))
(def is-error? #(contains? % :err))

; TODO: refactor this to avoid repetition of 'x'
(defn output [x]
      (is-license? x) [license-panel x]
      (is-equipment-list? x) [equipment-list-panel x]
      (is-spell-list? x) [spell-list-panel x]
      (is-spell? x) (spell-panel x)
      (is-equipment? x) (cond
                         (is-weapon? x) [weapon-panel x]
                         :else [equipment-panel x])
      (is-error? x) [error-message x])])

(defn history []
  (let [history (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/cmd-history])]
    [:ul {:class (styles/history-style)}
      (for [[index item] (enumerated @history)]
        ^{:key index} [:li [input (item :input)] [output (item :output)]])]))

(defn- link-to [href & content]
    [:a {:href href} content])

(def agpl-link
     "GNU Affero Public License"))

(def uberspace-link

(defn footer []
  [:footer {:class (styles/footer)}
   [:span.license agpl-link]
   [:span.version (spaced "version:" config/version)]
   [:span.host "Hosted by " uberspace-link]])

(defn main-panel []
  [:div {:class (styles/screen)}
   [:div {:class (styles/main-panel)}
    [title] [history] [prompt] [footer]]])