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Authors of Kwant
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The Kwant authors can be reached at authors@kwant-project.org.
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The principal developers of Kwant are
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* `Christoph Groth <mailto:christoph.groth@cea.fr>`_ (CEA Grenoble)
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* `Michael Wimmer <https://michaelwimmer.org>`_ (TU Delft)
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* `Anton Akhmerov <http://antonakhmerov.org>`_ (TU Delft)
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* `Xavier Waintal <http://inac.cea.fr/Pisp/xavier.waintal>`_ (CEA Grenoble)
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* `Joseph Weston <https://joseph.weston.cloud>`_ (TU Delft)
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Contributors to Kwant include
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* Jörg Behrmann (FU Berlin)
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* Pierre Carmier (CEA Grenoble)
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* Paul Clisson (CEA Grenoble)
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* `Dennis Heffels <mailto:d.heffels@fz-juelich.de>`_ (FZJ PGI-9)
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* Mathieu Istas (CEA Grenoble)
* Daniel Jaschke (CEA Grenoble)
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* Thomas Kloss (CEA Grenoble)
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* Bas Nijholt (TU Delft)
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* Michał Nowak (TU Delft)
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* Viacheslav Ostroukh (Leiden University)
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* Pablo Pérez Piskunow (TU Delft)
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* Tómas Örn Rosdahl (TU Delft)
* Sebastian Rubbert (TU Delft)
* Rafał Skolasiński (TU Delft)
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* Adrien Sorgniard (CEA Grenoble)
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* Dániel Varjas (TU Delft)
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We thank Christoph Gohlke for the creation of installers for Microsoft Windows.
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`CEA <http://www.cea.fr>`_ is the French Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux
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énergies alternatives. The CEA is the copyright holder for the contributions of
C. W. Groth, X. Waintal, and its other employees involved in Kwant.
To find out who wrote a certain part of Kwant, please use the "blame" feature of
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`Git <https://git-scm.com/>`_, the version control system.
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Research related to Kwant was funded by
* the US Office of Naval Research,
* the European Research Council,
* the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO (formerly NWO/FOM).
* the French National Agency for Research (ANR)
* the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) & Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) actions
* Lawrence Golub fellowship