# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011-2019 Kwant authors.
# This file is part of Kwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://kwant-project.org/license.  A list of Kwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://kwant-project.org/authors.

# This module is imported by plotter.py. It contains all the expensive imports
# that we want to remove from plotter.py

# All matplotlib imports must be isolated in a try, because even without
# matplotlib iterators remain useful.  Further, mpl_toolkits used for 3D
# plotting are also imported separately, to ensure that 2D plotting works even
# if 3D does not.

import warnings
from math import sqrt, pi
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum

    is_ipython_kernel = True
except NameError:
    is_ipython_kernel = False

global mpl_available
global plotly_available
mpl_available = False
plotly_available = False

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.colors
    import matplotlib.cm
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from matplotlib import collections
    from . import _colormaps
    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
    mpl_available = True
    kwant_red_matplotlib = ListedColormap(_colormaps.kwant_red,
                                          name="kwant red")
        from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
        has3d = True
    except ImportError:
        warnings.warn("3D plotting not available.", RuntimeWarning)
        has3d = False
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("matplotlib is not available, if other engines are "
                  "unavailable, only iterator-providing functions will work",

    import plotly.offline as plotly_module
    import plotly.graph_objs as plotly_graph_objs
    init_notebook_mode_set = False
    from . import _colormaps
    plotly_available = True

    _cmap_plotly = 255 * _colormaps.kwant_red
    _cmap_levels = np.linspace(0, 1, len(_cmap_plotly))
    kwant_red_plotly = [(level, 'rgb({},{},{})'.format(*rgb))
                        for level, rgb in zip(_cmap_levels, _cmap_plotly)]
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("plotly is not available, if other engines are unavailable,"
                  " only iterator-providing functions will work",

Engines = []

if plotly_available:
    engine = "plotly"

if mpl_available:
    engine = "matplotlib"

if not ((mpl_available) or (plotly_available)):
    engine = None

Engines = frozenset(Engines)

# Collections that allow for symbols and linewiths to be given in data space
# (not for general use, only implement what's needed for plotter)
def isarray(var):
    if hasattr(var, '__getitem__') and not isinstance(var, str):
        return True
        return False

def nparray_if_array(var):
    return np.asarray(var) if isarray(var) else var

if plotly_available:

    # The converter_map and converter_map_3d converts the common marker symbols
    # of matplotlib to the symbols of plotly
    converter_map = {
        "o": 0,
        "v": 6,
        "^": 5,
        "<": 7,
        ">": 8,
        "s": 1,
        "+": 3,
        "x": 4,
        "*": 17,
        "d": 2,
        "h": 14,
        "no symbol": -1

    converter_map_3d = {
        "o": "circle",
        "s": "square",
        "+": "cross",
        "x": "x",
        "d": "diamond",

    def error_string(symbol_input, supported):
        return 'Input symbol/s \'{}\' not supported. Only the following characters are supported: {}'.format(symbol_input, supported)

    def convert_symbol_mpl_plotly(mpl_symbol):
        if isarray(mpl_symbol):
                converted_symbol = [converter_map.get(i) for i in mpl_symbol]
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map)) )
                converted_symbol = converter_map.get(mpl_symbol)
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map)) )
        return converted_symbol

    def convert_symbol_mpl_plotly_3d(mpl_symbol):
        if isarray(mpl_symbol):
                converted_symbol = [converter_map_3d.get(i) for i in mpl_symbol]
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map_3d)) )
                converted_symbol = converter_map_3d.get(mpl_symbol)
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError( error_string(mpl_symbol, list(converter_map_3d)) )
        return converted_symbol

    def convert_site_size_mpl_plotly(mpl_site_size, plotly_ref_px):
        # The conversion is such that we assume matplotlib's marker size is in
        # square points (https://matplotlib.org/devdocs/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html)
        # and we need to convert the points to pixels for plotly.
        # Hence, 1 pixel = (96.0)/(72.0) point
        return np.sqrt(mpl_site_size)*(96.0/72.0)*plotly_ref_px

    def convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(mpl_rgba):
        _cmap_plotly = 255 * np.array(mpl_rgba)
        return 'rgba({},{},{},{})'.format(*_cmap_plotly[0:-1],

    def convert_cmap_list_mpl_plotly(mpl_cmap_name, N=255):
        if isinstance(mpl_cmap_name, str):
            cmap_mpl = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(mpl_cmap_name)
            cmap_mpl_arr = matplotlib.colors.makeMappingArray(N, cmap_mpl)
            level = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
            cmap_plotly_linear = [(level, convert_colormap_mpl_plotly(cmap_mpl))
                                    for level, cmap_mpl in zip(level,
            assert(isinstance(mpl_cmap_name, list))
            # Do not do any conversion if it's already a list
            cmap_plotly_linear = mpl_cmap_name
        return cmap_plotly_linear

    def convert_lead_cmap_mpl_plotly(mpl_lead_cmap_init, mpl_lead_cmap_end,
        r_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[0],
                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[0], N) * 255
        g_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[1],
                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[1], N) * 255
        b_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[2],
                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[2], N) * 255
        a_levels = np.linspace(mpl_lead_cmap_init[3],
                               mpl_lead_cmap_end[3], N)
        level = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
        cmap_plotly_linear = [(level, 'rgba({},{},{},{})'.format(*rgba))
                                for level, rgba in zip(level,
                                                        zip(r_levels, g_levels,
                                                            b_levels, a_levels
        return cmap_plotly_linear

if mpl_available:
    class LineCollection(collections.LineCollection):
        def __init__(self, segments, reflen=None, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(segments, **kwargs)
            self.reflen = reflen

        def set_linewidths(self, linewidths):
            self.linewidths_orig = nparray_if_array(linewidths)

        def draw(self, renderer):
            if self.reflen is not None:
                # Note: only works for aspect ratio 1!
                #       72.0 - there is 72 points in an inch
                factor = (self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()[0] * 72.0 *
                          self.reflen / self.figure.dpi)
                factor = 1

            super().set_linewidths(self.linewidths_orig *
            return super().draw(renderer)

    class PathCollection(collections.PathCollection):
        def __init__(self, paths, sizes=None, reflen=None, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(paths, sizes=sizes, **kwargs)

            self.reflen = reflen
            self.linewidths_orig = nparray_if_array(self.get_linewidths())

            self.transforms = np.array(
                 for x in sizes])

        def get_transforms(self):
            return self.transforms

        def get_transform(self):
            Affine2D = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D
            if self.reflen is not None:
                # For the paths, use the data transformation but strip the
                # offset (will be added later with offsets)
                args = self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()[:4] + (0, 0)
                return Affine2D().from_values(*args).scale(self.reflen)
                return Affine2D().scale(self.figure.dpi / 72.0)

        def draw(self, renderer):
            if self.reflen:
                # Note: only works for aspect ratio 1!
                factor = (self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()[0] /
                          self.figure.dpi * 72.0 * self.reflen)
                self.set_linewidths(self.linewidths_orig * factor)

            return collections.Collection.draw(self, renderer)

    if has3d:
        # Sorting is optional.
        sort3d = True

        # Compute the projection of a 3D length into 2D data coordinates
        # for this we use 2 3D half-circles that are projected into 2D.
        # (This gives the same length as projecting the full unit sphere.)

        phi = np.linspace(0, pi, 21)
        xyz = np.c_[np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), 0 * phi].T.reshape(-1, 1, 21)
        # TODO: use np.block once we depend on numpy >= 1.13.
        unit_sphere = np.vstack([
            np.hstack([xyz[0], xyz[2]]),
            np.hstack([xyz[1], xyz[0]]),
            np.hstack([xyz[2], xyz[1]]),

        def projected_length(ax, length):
            rc = np.array([ax.get_xlim3d(), ax.get_ylim3d(), ax.get_zlim3d()])
            rc = np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 1, rc) / 2.

            rs = unit_sphere * length + rc.reshape(-1, 1)

            transform = mplot3d.proj3d.proj_transform
            rp = np.asarray(transform(*(list(rs) + [ax.get_proj()]))[:2])
            rc[:2] = transform(*(list(rc) + [ax.get_proj()]))[:2]

            coords = rp - np.repeat(rc[:2].reshape(-1, 1), len(rs[0]), axis=1)
            return sqrt(np.sum(coords**2, axis=0).max())

        # Auxiliary array for calculating corners of a cube.
        corners = np.zeros((3, 8, 6), np.float_)
        corners[0, [0, 1, 2, 3], 0] = corners[0, [4, 5, 6, 7], 1] = \
        corners[0, [0, 1, 4, 5], 2] = corners[0, [2, 3, 6, 7], 3] = \
        corners[0, [0, 2, 4, 6], 4] = corners[0, [1, 3, 5, 7], 5] = 1.0

        class Line3DCollection(mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection):
            def __init__(self, segments, reflen=None, zorder=0, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(segments, **kwargs)
                self.reflen = reflen
                self.zorder3d = zorder

            def set_linewidths(self, linewidths):
                self.linewidths_orig = nparray_if_array(linewidths)

            def do_3d_projection(self, renderer):
                # The whole 3D ordering is flawed in mplot3d when several
                # collections are added. We just use normal zorder. Note the
                # "-" due to the different logic in the 3d plotting, we still
                # want larger zorder values to be plotted on top of smaller
                # ones.
                return -self.zorder3d

            def draw(self, renderer):
                if self.reflen:
                    proj_len = projected_length(self.axes, self.reflen)
                    args = self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()
                    # Note: unlike in the 2D case, where we can enforce equal
                    #       aspect ratio, this (currently) does not work with
                    #       3D plots in matplotlib. As an approximation, we
                    #       thus scale with the average of the x- and y-axis
                    #       transformation.
                    factor = proj_len * (args[0] +
                                         args[3]) * 0.5 * 72.0 / self.figure.dpi
                    factor = 1

                                                self.linewidths_orig * factor)

        class Path3DCollection(mplot3d.art3d.Patch3DCollection):
            def __init__(self, paths, sizes, reflen=None, zorder=0,
                         offsets=None, **kwargs):
                paths = [matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(path) for path in paths]

                if offsets is not None:
                    kwargs['offsets'] = offsets[:, :2]

                super().__init__(paths, **kwargs)

                if offsets is not None:
                    self.set_3d_properties(zs=offsets[:, 2], zdir="z")

                self.reflen = reflen
                self.zorder3d = zorder

                self.paths_orig = np.array(paths, dtype='object')
                self.linewidths_orig = nparray_if_array(self.get_linewidths())
                self.linewidths_orig2 = self.linewidths_orig
                self.array_orig = nparray_if_array(self.get_array())
                self.facecolors_orig = nparray_if_array(self.get_facecolors())
                self.edgecolors_orig = nparray_if_array(self.get_edgecolors())

                Affine2D = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D
                self.orig_transforms = np.array(
                    [Affine2D().scale(x).get_matrix() for x in sizes])
                self.transforms = self.orig_transforms

            def set_array(self, array):
                self.array_orig = nparray_if_array(array)

            def set_color(self, colors):
                self.facecolors_orig = nparray_if_array(colors)
                self.edgecolors_orig = self.facecolors_orig

            def set_edgecolors(self, colors):
                colors = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(colors)
                self.edgecolors_orig = nparray_if_array(colors)

            def get_transforms(self):
                # this is exact only for an isometric projection, for the
                # perspective projection used in mplot3d it's an approximation
                return self.transforms

            def get_transform(self):
                Affine2D = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D
                if self.reflen:
                    proj_len = projected_length(self.axes, self.reflen)

                    # For the paths, use the data transformation but strip the
                    # offset (will be added later with the offsets).
                    args = self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()[:4] + (0, 0)
                    return Affine2D().from_values(*args).scale(proj_len)
                    return Affine2D().scale(self.figure.dpi / 72.0)

            def do_3d_projection(self, renderer):
                xs, ys, zs = self._offsets3d

                # numpy complains about zero-length index arrays
                if len(xs) == 0:
                    return -self.zorder3d

                proj = mplot3d.proj3d.proj_transform_clip
                vs = np.array(proj(xs, ys, zs, renderer.M)[:3])

                if sort3d:
                    indx = vs[2].argsort()[::-1]

                    self.set_offsets(vs[:2, indx].T)

                    if len(self.paths_orig) > 1:
                        paths = np.resize(self.paths_orig, (vs.shape[1],))

                    if len(self.orig_transforms) > 1:
                        self.transforms = self.transforms[indx]

                    lw_orig = self.linewidths_orig
                    if (isinstance(lw_orig, np.ndarray) and len(lw_orig) > 1):
                        self.linewidths_orig2 = np.resize(lw_orig,

                    # Note: here array, facecolors and edgecolors are
                    #       guaranteed to be 2d numpy arrays or None.  (And
                    #       array is the same length as the coordinates)

                    if self.array_orig is not None:

                    if (self.facecolors_orig is not None and
                        self.facecolors_orig.shape[0] > 1):
                        shape = list(self.facecolors_orig.shape)
                        shape[0] = vs.shape[1]
                            np.resize(self.facecolors_orig, shape)[indx])

                    if (self.edgecolors_orig is not None and
                        self.edgecolors_orig.shape[0] > 1):
                        shape = list(self.edgecolors_orig.shape)
                        shape[0] = vs.shape[1]

                # the whole 3D ordering is flawed in mplot3d when several
                # collections are added. We just use normal zorder, but correct
                # by the projected z-coord of the "center of gravity",
                # normalized by the projected z-coord of the world coordinates.
                # In doing so, several Path3DCollections are plotted probably
                # in the right order (it's not exact) if they have the same
                # zorder. Still, smaller and larger integer zorders are plotted
                # below or on top.

                bbox = np.asarray(self.axes.get_w_lims())

                proj = mplot3d.proj3d.proj_transform_clip
                cz = proj(*(list(np.dot(corners, bbox)) + [renderer.M]))[2]

                return -self.zorder3d + vs[2].mean() / cz.ptp()

            def draw(self, renderer):
                if self.reflen:
                    proj_len = projected_length(self.axes, self.reflen)
                    args = self.axes.transData.frozen().to_values()
                    factor = proj_len * (args[0] +
                                         args[3]) * 0.5 * 72.0 / self.figure.dpi

                    self.set_linewidths(self.linewidths_orig2 * factor)


if plotly_available:
    def matplotlib_to_plotly_cmap(cmap, pl_entries):
        h = 1.0/(pl_entries-1)
        pl_colorscale = []

        for k in range(pl_entries):
            C = map(np.uint8, np.array(cmap(k*h)[:3])*255)
            pl_colorscale.append([k*h, 'rgb'+str((C[0], C[1], C[2]))])

        return pl_colorscale