Making a Kwant release

This document guides a contributor through creating a release of Kwant.

Preflight checks

The following checks should be made *before* tagging the release.

Check that all issues are resolved

Check that all the issues and merge requests for the appropriate
`milestone <>`
have been resolved. Any unresolved issues should have their milestone

Ensure that all tests pass

This should be as simple as verifying that the latest CI pipeline succeeded.
For major and minor releases we will be tagging the ``master`` branch.
For patch releases, the ``stable`` branch.

Inspect the documentation

If the CI pipeline succeeded, then the latest docs should be available at:<branch name>

Check that there are no glaring deficiencies.

Update the ``whatsnew`` file

Check that there is an appropriate ``whatsnew`` file in ``doc/source/pre/whatsnew``.
This should be named as::


and should contain a list of the user-facing changes that were made in the
release. With any luck this file will have been updated after any major
features were released, if not then you can see what commits were introduced
since the last release using ``git log``. You can also see what issues were
assigned to the release's milestons and get an idea of what was introduced
from there.

Make a release, but do not publish it yet

Various problems can surface only during the process of preparing a release and
make it necessary to fix the codebase.  It would be a pity to have to succeed
the freshly released version by a minor release just to correct a glitch that
was detected too late.  Therefore it is a good idea to pursue the release as
far as possible without announcing it, such that it can be undone and corrected
if necessary.  In the past tests that failed on the x86-32 architecture and
wrongly declared dependencies have been detected in this way.

Tag the release

A particularly good way to expose hidden problems is building Debian packages
using an isolated minimal build environment (cowbuilder).  This approach is
described here.

Make an *annotated*, *signed* tag for the release. The tag must have the name::

    git tag -s v1.2.3 -m "version 1.2.3"

Be sure to respect the format of the tag name (leading "v").  The tag message
format is the one that has been used so far.

Do *not* yet push the tag anywhere, it might have to be undone!

Build a source taball and inspect it

    ./ sdist

This creates the file dist/kwant-1.2.3.tar.gz.  It is a good idea to unpack it
in /tmp and inspect that builds in isolation and that the tests run::

    cd /tmp
    tar xzf ~/src/kwant/dist/kwant-1.2.3.tar.gz
    cd kwant-1.2.3
    ./ test

Clone the repository of the Kwant Debian package

This step needs to be performed only once.  The cloned repository can be reused
for subsequent releases.

Clone the "kwant-debian" repository and go into its root directory.  If you
keep the Kwant source in "src/kwant", a good location for the Debian package
repository is "src/debian/kwant".  The packaging process creates many files
that are placed into the parent directory of the packaging repository, hence
having an additional directory level ("src/debian") is a good way to keep these
files separate::

    mkdir debian
    cd debian
    git clone ssh:// kwant
    cd kwant

Create a local upstream branch::

    git branch upstream origin/upstream

Add a remote for the repository that contains the previously created tag::

    git remote add upstream_repo ~/src/kwant

Make sure that::

    git config --get
    git config --get

show correct information.

Release a new version of the Kwant Debian package

Fetch the git tag created above into the packaging repo::

    git fetch --all

Now there are two options.  If, as recommended above, the tarball of the new
version has not been made public yet, it must be imported as follows::

    gbp import-orig ~/src/kwant/dist/kwant-1.2.3.tar.gz

Alternatively, the following commands will import the newest version from PyPI::

    uscan --report      # This will report if a newer version exists on PyPI
    gbp import-orig --uscan

Update the debian changelog.  Add a point "New upstream release" if there was
one, and describe any other changes to the Debian *packaging*:: gbp dch -R --commit --distribution testing

Now the package can be built with::

    git clean -i
    gbp buildpackage

But this is *not* how the package should be built for distribution.  For that,
see the following two sections.

Setup git-pbuilder to build Debian packages

Pbuilder is a tool to build Debian packages in an isolated chroot.  This allows
to verify that the package indeed only has the declared dependencies.  It also
allows to cross-build packages for i386 on amd64.

The following describes how to setup git-pbuilder, see also  This procedure needs to be executed only
once for a Debian system.

Install the Debian package git-buildpackage.

As root, add the following lines to /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d/local

    Cmnd_Alias BUILD = /usr/sbin/cowbuilder


    user     ALL = SETENV: BUILD

Now create pbuilder images.  In the following, replace "buster" by the current
Debian testing codename::

    ARCH=i386 DIST=buster git-pbuilder create
    ARCH=amd64 DIST=buster git-pbuilder create

If the packages to be built have special dependencies, use the trick described in

Build Kwant packages using git-pbuilder

Update the builder environment (again, replace "buster" with the name of the
current Debian testing)::

    ARCH=i386 DIST=buster git-pbuilder update
    ARCH=amd64 DIST=buster git-pbuilder update

Now build the packages.  First the i386 package.  The option "--git-tag" tags
and signs the tag if the build is successful.  In a second step, the package is
built for amd64, but only the architecture-dependent files (not the
documentation package)::

    gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-arch=i386 --git-dist=buster --git-tag
    gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-arch=amd64 --git-dist=buster --git-pbuilder-options='--binary-arch'

Another example: build source package only::

    gbp buildpackage --git-export-dir=/tmp -S

Build packports for the current Debian stable

Create a changelog entry for the backport:: dch --bpo

Build backported packages::

    gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-ignore-new --git-arch=i386 --git-dist=stretch
    gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-ignore-new --git-arch=amd64 --git-dist=stretch --git-pbuilder-options='--binary-arch'

Do not commit anything.

Publish the release

If the Debian packages build correctly that means that all tests pass both on
i386 and amd64, and that no undeclared dependencies are needed.  We can be
reasonable sure that the release is ready to be published.


Push the tag to the official Kwant repository::

    git push origin v1.2.3


PyPI (this requires a file ~/.pypirc with a vaild username and password)::

    twine upload -s dist/kwant-1.2.3.tar.gz

It is very important that the tarball uploaded here is the same (bit-by-bit,
not only the contents) as the one used for the Debian packaging.  Otherwise it
will not be possible to build the Debian package based on the tarball from

Kwant website

The tarball and its signature (generated by the twine command above) should be
also made available on the website::

    scp dist/kwant-1.2.3.tar.gz* kwant-website-downloads:downloads/kwant

Debian packages

Go to the Debian packaging repository and push out everything::

    git push --all --tags origin

Now the Debian packages that we built previously need to be added to the
repository of Debian packages on the Kwant website.  So far this the full
version of this repository is kept on Christoph Groth's machine, so this
instructions are for reference only.

Go to the reprepro repository directory and verify that the configuration file
"conf/distributions" looks up-to-date.  It should look something like this::

    Origin: Kwant project
    Suite: stretch-backports
    Codename: stretch-backports
    Version: 9.0
    Architectures: i386 amd64 source
    Components: main
    Description: Unofficial Debian package repository of
    SignWith: C3F147F5980F3535
    Origin: Kwant project
    Suite: testing
    Codename: buster
    Version: 10.0
    Architectures: i386 amd64 source
    Components: main
    Description: Unofficial Debian package repository of
    SignWith: C3F147F5980F3535

If the config had to be updated execute::

    reprepro export
    reprepro --delete createsymlinks

Now the source and binary Debian packages can be added.  The last line has to
be executed for all the .deb files and may be automated with a shell loop. (Be
sure to use the appropriate <dist>: either testing or stretch-backports.)::

    reprepro includedsc <dist> ../../src/kwant_1.2.3-1.dsc
    reprepro includedeb <dist> python3-kwant_1.2.3-1_amd64.deb

Once all the packages have been added, upload the repository::

    rsync -avz --delete dists pool wfw:webapps/downloads/debian

Ubuntu packages

Make sure ~/ has something like this::
    fqdn =
    method = ftp
    incoming = ~kwant-project/ppa/ubuntu/
    login = anonymous
    allow_unsigned_uploads = 0

We will also use the following script (prepare_ppa_upload)::
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        echo -e "\nUsage: $(basename $0) lousy mourning2 nasty\n"
    version=`dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version`
    mv debian/changelog /tmp/changelog.$$
    for release in $@; do
        cp /tmp/changelog.$$ debian/changelog dch -b -v "$version~$release" -u low 'Ubuntu PPA upload'
        sed -i -e "1,1 s/UNRELEASED/$release/" debian/changelog
        debuild -S -sa
    mv /tmp/changelog.$$ debian/changelog

Make sure that the Debian package builds correctly and go to its directory.

Check for the current releases and execute::
    prepare_ppa_upload trusty vivid wily

(if a second upload of the same Debian version is needed, something like vivid2 can be used)

Now the changes files are "put" to start the build process on the PPA servers::

    cd ..
    dput ubuntu-ppa-kwant *~*.changes

Gather the autobuilt packages from CI

(This section needs to be updated.  Using the sdist package as generated by
PyPI requires pushing the tag to gitlab and as such is incompatible with doing
the Debian packaging with an unpublished tag.)

CI automatically generates:

+ HTML documentation
+ Zipped HTML documentation
+ PDF documentation
+ ``sdist`` package (for upload to PyPI)

These can be found in the artifacts of the last CI job in the pipeline,
``gather release artifacts``.

Publish to the Kwant website

(This section needs to be updated.  The twine tool creates the signature file
during the upload.)

To do the following you will need access to the webroots of ````
and ````. Ask Christoph Groth if you need to be granted access.

Take the tar archive in the ``dist`` directory of the CI artifacts and generate
a detached GPG signature::

    gpg --armor --detach-sign kwant-<major>.<minor>.<patch>.tar.gz

Take the archive and the ``.asc`` signature file that was just generated
and upload them to the ``kwant`` directory of ````.

Take the zip archive and the PDF in the ``docs`` directory of the CI artifacts
and upload them  to the ``doc`` directory of ````.
Point the symbolic links ```` and ``latest.pdf`` to these new files.

Take the ``docs/html`` directory of the CI artifacts and upload them to::


on ````. Point the symbolic link ``<major>`` to this directory.

Publish to PyPI

(This also needs to be updated.)

Install `twine <>` and use it to upload
the tar archive in the ``sdist`` directory of the Ci artifacts downloaded
in the previous step::

    twine upload --sign -u <PyPI username> -p <PyPI password> sdist/*

the ``--sign`` flag signs the uploaded package with your default GPG key.
Ask Christoph Groth for the Kwant PyPI credentials.

Publish to Launchpad

Publish to Conda forge

Conda forge automates build/deploy by using CI on Github repositoried containing
recipes for making packages from their source distributions.

Fork the `Kwant feedstock <>`
repository and  edit the file ``recipe/meta.yml``. Correctly set the ``version``
at the top of the file. Set the ``sha256`` string in the ``source`` section
near the top of the file to the SHA256 hash of the kwant source distribution
that was uploaded to ````. This can be found by::

    sha256sum kwant-<major>.<minor>.<patch>.tar.gz

Now commit these changes and open a pull request on the Kwant feedstock
repository that includes your change. Ask Bas Nijholt or Joseph Weston
to review and accept the pull request, so that Kwant will be rebuilt.

Announce the release

Write a short post summarizing the highlights of the release on the
`Kwant website <>`, then
post this to the mailing list

Working towards the next release

After finalizing a release, a new ``whatsnew`` file should be created for
the *next* release, and this addition should be committed and tagged as::

    <new major>.<new minor>.<new patch>a0

This tag should be pushed to Kwant Gitlab, and a new milestone for the next
release should be created.