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# Miniver
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[![license: CC0-1.0](][cc0]
[![PyPI version](][pypi]
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**Like [versioneer][versioneer], but smaller**
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Miniver is a **mini**mal **ver**sioning tool that serves the same purpose
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as [Versioneer][versioneer], except that it only works with Git and
multiplatform support is still experimental.
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#### Why would I use this?
If you are developing a Python package inside a Git repository and
want to get the version directly from Git tags, rather than hard-coding
version strings everywhere.
This is the same problem that Versioneer solves, but Miniver is less
than 200 lines of code, whereas Versioneer is over 2000. The tradeoff
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is that Miniver only works with Git and Python 3.5 (or above).
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Support for Python 2 is not a goal, as Python 2 is fast approaching its
end of life (2020), and we want to encourage people to use Python 3!
That being said, Christian Marquardt has a [fork that also
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works with Python 2](
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## Usage
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The simplest way to use Miniver is to run the following in your project root:
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curl | python - install <your_package_directory>
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This will grab the latest files from GitHub and set up Miniver for your project.
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### I get an `unknown` version!
The version is reported as `unknown` (plus the current git hash) when there are no valid tags
in the git history. You should create an [*annotated tag*](
so that Miniver reports a reasonable version.
If your project uses *unannotated tags* for versioning (though this is not the
[recommended way](
then you'll need to run the following in order to modify Miniver's behaviour:
curl | patch <your_package_directory>/
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### I don't want to type that URL every time I use this
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You can `pip install miniver`, which will give you the `miniver` command.
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Then you can simply run the following from your project root to use Miniver:
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miniver install <your_package_directory>
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### Can I use this without executing random code from the internet?
Sure! Copy `miniver/` and `miniver/` from this
repository into your package directory, then copy the following snippets into
the appropriate files:
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# Your package's
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from ._version import __version__
del _version
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# Your project's
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# Loads module without importing the whole package.
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def get_version_and_cmdclass(package_name):
import os
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
spec = spec_from_file_location('version',
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os.path.join(package_name, ''))
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module = module_from_spec(spec)
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return module.__version__, module.cmdclass
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version, cmdclass = get_version_and_cmdclass('my_package')
# Your project's .gitattributes
my_package/ export-subst
replacing `'my_package'` in the above with the name of your package
(this should be the same as the name of the directory into
which you copied the contents of `miniver`).
That's it!
## License
Miniver is in the public domain under a CC0 license.