# Miniver [![license: CC0-1.0](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/miniver.svg)][cc0] [![PyPI version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/miniver.svg)][pypi] **Like [versioneer][versioneer], but smaller** Miniver is a **mini**mal **ver**sioning tool that serves the same purpose as [Versioneer][versioneer], except that it is not designed to be cross platform, and only works with Git. #### Why would I use this? If you are developing a Python package inside a Git repository and want to get the version directly from Git tags, rather than hard-coding version strings everywhere. This is the same problem that Versioneer solves, but Miniver is less than 200 lines of code, whereas Versioneer is over 2000. The tradeoff is that Miniver only works with Git, and has not been tested across different platforms and Python versions (yet). [versioneer]: https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer [cc0]: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ [pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/miniver/ ## Usage Copy the contents of the `miniver` directory (in this repository) into your project's main package directory. Then copy the following snippets into the appropriate files: ```python # Your package's __init__.py from . import version __version__ = version.version del version ``` ```python # Your project's setup.py # Loads version.py module without importing the whole package. def get_version_and_cmdclass(package_name): import os from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location spec = spec_from_file_location('version', os.path.join(package_name, 'miniver.py')) module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module.version, module.cmdclass version, cmdclass = get_version_and_cmdclass('my_package') setup( name='my_package', version=version, cmdclass=cmdclass, ) ``` ``` # Your project's .gitattributes my_package/_static_version.py export-subst ``` replacing `'my_package'` in the above with the name of your package (this should be the same as the name of the directory into which you copied the contents of `miniver`). That's it! ## License Miniver is in the public domain under a CC0 license.