--- title: "Hi!" slug: "about" --- {{<avatar src="/images/profile.jpg">}} My name is Joe, and I am a software developer with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics. Currently I work as a contractor for [Microsoft Quantum](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum) where I develop custom algorithms and software for simulating [Majorana-based topological qubits][qubits]. I also improve the tools used by simulation engineers to take advantage of the high-performance (but classical ;)) computing infrastructure available to us. Outside of work I like to spend as much time as possible in the mountains. [qubits]: https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/quantum/2018/09/06/developing-a-topological-qubit/ ### Selected Projects Here's a not-so-random list of software projects that I've been involved with. {{<logo href="https://kwant-project.org" src="/images/logos/kwant.png">}} [**Kwant**](https://kwant-project.org) is a Python package for simulating quantum transport in nanodevices. It has been used in [hundreds of research projects](https://scholar.google.nl/scholar?cites=9330311747089024535&scisbd=1) all over the world, as well as a teaching aid in [courses](http://tiny.cc/topocm) on condensed matter physics. {{<logo href="https://github.com/python-adaptive/adaptive" src="/images/logos/adaptive.png">}} [**Adaptive**](https://github.com/python-adaptive/adaptive) is a library of algorithms for adaptively sampling mathematical functions, and seamlessly integrates with the Jupyter notebook. It has been used in [cutting edge](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.02801.pdf) quantum transport simulations. {{<logo href="https://github.com/zesje/zesje" src="/images/logos/zesje.png">}} [**Zesje**](https://github.com/zesje/zesje) is a web app for grading exams. Born out of necessity while administering exams to hundreds of undergrads, it's now used in several departments at Delft University of Technology. {{<logo href="https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger" src="/images/logos/haskell.png">}} [**hledger**](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger) is accounting software that uses plain text files to store transactions. Contributing to this mature codebase has been particularly helpful in learning Haskell. {{<logo href="https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx" src="/images/logos/jupyter.png">}} [**jupyter-sphinx**](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx) is a plugin for [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org) that executes code snippets in documentation pages and embeds the output. ### What do I do for fun? When I'm not coding I'm probably up a mountain, in the climbing gym (though not since COVID!) or playing [designer board games][bgg]. If I'm reading it's probably anything by Ted Chiang. I relax by cross-stitching video game pixel art. I will also (very) sporadically [blog]({{<relref "posts" >}}) about stuff I find interesting. Since moving to Canada I've also been watching a lot of NHL hockey (go Bruins). [bgg]: https://boardgamegeek.com/plays/thumbs/user/jbweston/subtype/All