 title: ArĂȘtes du Gerbier
 date: 2014-10-31
   - mountains
   - alpinism
 featuredImage: gallery/rappel.jpeg
 Recently there seems to be a theme of re-doing old classics with
 new people; this time Rob, JB and I took a crack at the
 [arĂȘtes du Gerbier][c2c]. I had previously done this route with
 Rob and Greg about two years ago, although at that time everything
 was in dense cloud and still partially covered in snow. It was good
 to re-do the ridge as it's meant to be done, on a lovely sunny day
 when you can really get a sense of the space to either side.
 As before Rob has an [entry on his blog][blog_story] with a more detailed
 account of the day's events (and he has copyright on the images in the
 gallery). All in all a great day out.